Tyler Baumann AKA musclehead began using and studying hormones in 2008. Tyler made his first appearance online in 2013 as @musclehead320 and quickly became a fitness influencer on social media. Tyler showcased his drastic physical changes and steroid based content, which quickly grew his following. Tyler began to take on clients and was able to share their amazing transformations. As the musclehead persona continued to gain popularity on social media he began to make friends and connect with leading people in the fitness industry such as pro-bodybuilders, prep coaches, nutritionists and those involved in the underground world of steroids. During this time Tyler took the opportunity to learn as much as possible from the athletes, coaches & nutritionists. Shortly thereafter Tyler began manufacturing his own steroids and became one of the biggest steroid suppliers in the country. Armed with his unlimited supply of anabolic steroids and his wide network Tyler was able to utilize his knowledge to help others achieve their goals. Through trial and error Tyler was able to pinpoint what would work best for different people. Tyler is a big believer in less is more. After experimenting with a large variety of dosing methods on himself and clients he came to the conclusion that low to moderate dosing will produce plenty of muscle development without compromising one’s health. Tyler is currently incarcerated in federal prison for manufacturing and distributing anabolic steroids and is scheduled for release soon. Tyler is looking forward to being free and releasing more helpful content soon. Follow @muscleheadart on Instagram for the most up to date content.